Everything you need to know about The Festival of Yes

When and where is the Yes happening?

WHEN: Yes is always happening. It is a way of life,  young grasshopper. The festival, however, is going down the first weekend of August, the 2nd-4th. Show up on Thursday the 1st if you want to help build things and join the pre-party.  

WHERE: The spot is in an intimate little forest venue 15 minutes up a well-graded gravel road in the Mount Baker National Forest. Plan for 1.5 hours from Seattle or Bellingham, and five hours from Portland. 

Do I need a ticket for this event?

ALL ATTENDEES must have a ticket to enter the event, including organizers, volunteers, DJs, and workshop hosts. This is how we keep track of head count. The venue has a maximum capacity for attendance and we do not plan to surpass it. The email you provide is how you will receive the venue location the week of the event.

I see the ticket link is password protected. How do I get the password?

The only way to get the password is to know someone on the inside. We do this to make sure every person in attendance is a backer of the Yes and a homie or vetted friend we just haven't met yet. 

What does the camping situation look like?

Camping: The camping is car camping along forest roads. Bring a tent, a sleeping bag, ear plugs, and anything else you need to have a safe weekend. 

Bathrooms: There are bathrooms on site.

Water: Bring your own or dry up like a corn chip.

Fires: It's August in the PNW. Have you looked around at the smoke we get? With organizers being ex-career wildland firefighters, we will be firm on this policy. Do not bring charcoal, wood burning, or uncontained fire sources. Propane stoves and propane fire pits ONLY. 

Trash: Pack all of your trash out, your buddies' trash, and anything you see on the ground. There will be no trash receptacles on site... crazy, right? We are all capable of being good to this planet. 

Can I bring my fire toys to the event?

Washington State is a fire-prone ecosystem with significant wildfire damage every year, particularly in August. Please do not bring your fire props. We will ask you very kindly but very firmly to put them out if we see any <3

What's up with all the bird references?

The best events in life are those that are stuck in a bit they don't know how to get out of. Better to just lean into it. Join the flock, learn our bird-related handshakes, and bring all of your bird-inspired vibery.

What else should I know?

We are serious: bring all of your bird-related paraphernalia. There will be many hang-out nests and your birds will feel right at home in.

Bring a swimming suit and water shoes for the river, yoga mats for workshops, and extra cash for donation-based merch (and boy howdy are there some good merch items this year.)

I still have questions, bro...

Send us a message on Instagram @festivalofyes or an email at festivalofyes@gmail.com. Bonus points if you have bird related jokes to share.

Everything you need to know about The Idea of Yes 

What is the purpose of Yes?

Yes is a tool to help you overcome fear and experience the world more fully. Yes is the tool that guides you into new, exciting experiences and helps you live the bolder life you already wanted to live. It is not a requirement for entry and it is not a cult (we promise.)

Do I always have to say Yes?

Absolutely not. Like any good tool, saying Yes should help you overcome a specific obstacle. If Yes is not the right tool for the job, don't use it! The only discomfort you should feel from saying Yes is the discomfort of growth. If you believe saying Yes will put you into a position you are not eager and willing to do, say no and say it proudly. Consent is king, consent is sexy, and consent is mandatory. Only you get to choose if you want to consent with a Yes!

When should I say No?

These questions can help guide you on your path. If you answer Yes to these questions, consider giving the world a Yes right back! If you answer no, then give the world a no back as well.


Join the flock


I found the ticket password. Now what?

Go to the ticket link and get yourself a ticket! We will share the venue location the week of the event with the email you provide.